Friday, March 4, 2016

Implementation Evaluation Control

No matter how much planning and preparation that you do, it means very little if it is executed improperly. “Planning good strategies is only a start toward successful marketing. A brilliant marketing strategy counts for little if the company fails to implement it properly.” (Pg. 57, Marketing: an Introduction, Armstrong & Kolter). Planning is very important as it gives you a form of direction and idea of where you will take your product or company, you don’t want to dive headfirst into something and have it completely backfire because there wasn’t any research or planning done; on the other hand you could have a great understanding of what you want done but it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t follow the plan and adapt to any changes that are thrown at you. A way for the Crystalline Vodka to monitor if its plans and research on where to place and market itself are working go back to social media; this is to check people’s opinions on the product and to see if it is seeing approval inside its desired demographic and adjust any strategies accordingly. 
“Because many surprises occur during the implementation of marketing plans, marketers must practice constant marketing control—evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans and taking corrective action to ensure that objectives are attained.” (Pg. 58, Marketing: an Introduction, Armstrong & Kolter). While it is important to follow the plans and strategies that are set forth and adhere to them as close as possible, one cannot be limited to function only off the plan, it is important to test the waters every now and then for any changing trends and adjust to best fit the customer’s needs. The objectives of Crystalline Vodka, in this case providing a clean true drink, are to be adhered to, but allow it to be flexible in where it is consumed. After all research is done and it is being promoted through the clubs and other various media when it is implemented it should be monitored in various aspects such as sales and public opinion to see how well it is performing.

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