The strengths of this product is that it is a clean drink that can be enjoyed in a variety of places and is very flexible in the ways it can be enjoyed. The benefits in having this be a clean distilled drink means that it doesn’t have all the flavors that clash with other foods or drinks, which could be combined with this drink as a mixer, giving it more opportunities to be enjoyed by people.
The weaknesses of this drink could be part of its strength as well. Being a fairly neutral tasting might not be what some people are looking for. Somebody might not want what this drink is after and might want something that stands out with a bit more clash and bite.
There are also great opportunities for this drink. One of the major opportunities for this drink is it being based in Las Vegas. If implemented in the bars or clubs here, especially on the strip, which is a fairly secure place where we could have more opportunities to sell people this drink. It is not just going to be sold to an individual person, it would also be sold to places on the strip, and being on the strip could also give this drink some exposure and therefore people could remember it better, have a good experience, and they would want to enjoy it on their own time as well.
There are also some threats that are present as well. One of the possible threats, even being present on the strip, would be the other options people have for other vodkas as well. This, being a neutral drink, could possibly not resonate with some people and they would simply go to one of the other options that are present.
“The company should analyze its markets and marketing environment to find attractive opportunities and identify environmental threats. It should analyze company strengths and weaknesses.” (Pg. 55, Marketing: an Introduction, Armstrong & Kolter). I feel that this exercise helps one realize what they have a handle on and starts the thoughts on what one would need to work on.
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